Friday, April 28, 2006

Not your normal posting...

I started to write a post last night and lost my train of thought. That's not uncommon, I'm finding, during the week after treatment. Apparently these drugs are similar to alcohol in their ability to knock out brain cells. Let's just hope it's not permanent.

The thing I most wanted to post on was the yet unnamed lymph node. IT'S GETTING SMALLER! On a whim I gave it a poke last night, and wow, I can tell the difference. Holy lymph fluid Batman--the drugs aren't just to make my mind go numb and my hair fall out!! Progress is being made!! And I got the weekly blood-draw today. White blood cells are hanging tough, but falling. I expect that next week I'll be back on antibiotics. Bring on the green leafy vegetables!!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

OK, there's the mohawk... Posted by Picasa

So I got another chance to play with the hair. Decided against the mohawk, but I did have it for about 3 minutes! Posted by Picasa