Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Little Engine That Could

I feel a bit like that little engine. I think I can. I feel like I'm getting to a place where my body is ready to move on and try out its new existence. I think I can. I stepped onto an Ultimate field again this past weekend. (when Beth reads this, she's going to kill me) It wasn't for long, and it was under what I consider safe conditions. My incision is healed, but the muscles aren't yet 100%. My team can attest to the fact that I did my arm exercises a bunch. And the swim in the gulf salt water was awesome. I think I can. They warned me not to layout. It didn't consciously cross my mind to do so, but admittedly my head does things sometimes that I cannot control. No, I didn't layout. I threw a coupe of throws, I made a couple of cuts. I did what I could. I think I can. I jogged a little each day. I did not go for a run, but I moved my legs and I stretched my limits a little. It's time--it's time to see what I can do. I think I can.


patty said...

Yes, you can!

Amanda, Ian, Addison, Aiden, and Isaiah said...

Chugga chugga woo woo!!!