Sunday, October 01, 2006


I just noticed that my last post was on Sept. 12th...and it was titled Looking Forward. I've been looking forward a lot since that last treatment. I knew that surgery was out there and that I would find my way to that day. That day is tomorrow. I'm not sure how many know exactly what I'm having done--I will have some lymph nodes removed as well as a bilateral mastectomy. I have trouble "telling" people this, but mostly because I worry about THEIR reaction. I'm really quite comfortable with the decision. It really is a no-brainer.

I am nervous about it--I've never been through such a long procedure and I've never had to spend the night in the hospital. But I can look forward to coming home on Tuesday and getting on with it. I still haven't defined what "it" is, but I suspect it has something to do with the rest of my life. I have definitely hit the point where I'm tired of cancer being the center point of my existence. I am hoping that soon the cancer focus can fade a bit. Sure, I know it will never fade completely away, but a little would be nice. The people around me have been AMAZING. I had no idea. Perhpas I can explain that more soon. Right now I have to think about tomorrow. Tomorrow is the beginning of it.

1 comment:

Amanda, Ian, Addison, Aiden, and Isaiah said...

Praying for you for a speedy recovery and a wonderful new cancer-free chapter of your life.