Friday, September 08, 2006

September 8th

This date might always have some significance to me. I don't remember the date that I was first told that I had cancer, but I will remember that September 8th was the last day of chemo. I'm sitting in the treatment room right now--getting ready to fall into a Benedryl-induced sleep. I am happy this is it for awhile. Awhile because I will have to come back every 3 weeks for the antibody treatment (Herceptin). That won't start until after surgery, so that means that I get maybe 2 months of not coming in to this place. Part of me is sad about that--I have come to enjoy interacting with the regulars that I have met here. It's been very therapeutic.

Surgery is next--likely the first week in October. A month off of everything after that. I don't think I've had a month off of everything since grad school. I'm not sure if I'll know what to do with myself.

OK, the Benedryl is kicking in, and I'm having a hard time focusing on the typing...